Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stanley's..It's So Much More than BBQ!!!

If you know me well, you know that I have a love for BBQ. In particular, a place called Stanley's in Tyler, TX. It's located right by the hospitals...probably because you are likely to think that you have died and gone to heaven when you try their award winning pork ribs, their amazing HOT BBQ sauce, or my favorite, the Super D. I have been going there for the past 8 years and simply can't get enough of it. The last 2 summers, on my day off on Thursday, I went to Stanley's for lunch every time. I am a creature of habit, and when I find something I love, I'm hooked.

At the Texas Monthly BBQ Festival!
I was having dinner with a couple of friends the other day, and one of my friends said a few years ago her car broke down and she pulled into the parking lot at Stanley's. She didn't know what was wrong and was quite frustrated as any of us would have been. It was after 2, so it was already closed, but the guys inside saw her and came out to help her out. They tried the basics that they knew to check on, but this was obviously a bigger job than what they could handle. She called a friend to come pick her up and a mechanic to take care of her car. What was really cool is that these guys invited her to come and eat some BBQ for lunch (she hadn't done that yet!), and then wouldn't let her pay! It's the little things like these that speak volumes for a business. And the great thing about it is that it came at very little cost of money or time, but has reaped great return for them. They now have at least two spokespeople (her and myself) who sing the praises of Nick and his staff at Stanley's.

My question is: what is something that will cost you very little today that will reap great benefits for someone else or the kingdom of God? Notice how I didn't say reap you great benefits, but will reap great benefits for another. That is the call for believers. That we serve others, not so that we should profit, but so that the name of Christ would be lifted high!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Here Goes Nothing...

I'm sitting here in the Pine Cove Towers office.  It is extremely quiet around here today, as the rest of the crew is off recruiting.  I had "created" this blog about a year ago, but haven't done a thing with it since that time.  Never have I been much of a journaler, so I am quite anxious about what this will look like for me...anxious but excited. 

So, now I am faced with the big question...what do I write about for my first official post?  Do I write about the LSU/Alabama game from this past weekend?  I mean, it was an epic battle of two great teams knocking the snot out of each other!  And my Tigers did win!  

Do I write about my family?  Or my job?  Or my love for sweet Arnold Palmer's?!?

I figure the only way to start off this blog is to write about who is most important to me and why.  Jesus.  Without Him, I am nothing.  Literally nothing.  I don't exist.  I don't have meaning.  I don't have purpose.  But with Him, I have hope.  I have someone who loves me and sought me out, even while I ran and rebelled against Him.  Even when I sin or when I am lazy or indifferent to Him, He still unconditionally, and unashamedly loves me.  Ephesians 2:19 says, "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God..."  I love the fact that when we are in Christ, he welcomes us into His household.  We aren't just standing around the gates of the city, but are welcomed by the blood of Christ into the city!  I hope that we all can see and the remember the great lengths that Jesus went to for the redemption of sinners like me...